HW V2 Changelog

Version Changes
6-0-8 [NERO-34] - CTM behind Proxy raise some issues
[NERO-36] - Wrong configuration flag set if 'Recipient phone number' is configured in classic router mode
6-0-7 [NERO-9] - Quickstart gives strange view on Failover and Internet by SMS
[NERO-12] - RS485-2Wire Transmitter/Receiver Timing
[NERO-15] - Check memory befor starting Firmware Update
[NERO-25] - USB access in 'ONL' Mode was possible
[NERO-26] - Change OEM URLs
[NERO-28] - OpenVPN connection interrupts GSM connection if Failover is enabled, WAN is not plugged in and Internet by SMS is set
6-0-7-rc2 Improvements
- [#4022]: Multiplex inputs functionality implemented
- [#3919]: SD Card SFTP Service display always enabled either it is disabled
- [#3986]: Some problems with connection to MQTT
- [#4012]: Save tcpdump command and add checkbox to save capture to usb drive
- [#4024/#3867]: OpenVPN as standalone server with certificate problems
- [NERO-2]: IPSec Connection start automatically after reboot
- [NERO-11]: Status page of DHCP Server problem with devices network names
- [NERO-24]: WebGUI not reachable if a SimpleNAT Rule is inserted
6-0-7-rc1 Improvements
- [#3960]: OEM Server in Firststart
- [#3966]: Some problems with connection to MQTT
- [#3933]: Device API to get IoT-Tools Serialnumber
6-0-6 Improvements
- [#3665]: Masquerading on WAN interface
- [#3907]: WAN plug-in triggers OpenVPN on demand
- [#3794]: OEM Texte
- [#3689]: MPI/PROFIBUS Timeout during transmission
- [#3933]: SearchOverIP problems with Beckhoff, Schneider and PILZ